Schaut jemand manchmal "Til Death" (im deutschen Fernsehen "Ehe ist...")?
Ich guck das manchmal wenn sonst nichts neues lief und naja, bin gar nicht mehr durchgestiegen.
Die Macher sind im Laufe der Serie absolut abgedreht. Total verschiedene Handlungen, es sind im Grunde mehrere verschiedene Serien gewesen.
Das alles passiert ohne Erklärung, z.B. ist die Tochter manchmal schwanger oder es gibt komplett neue Hauptfiguren, ohne, dass sie vorher jemals erwähnt wurden.
Die Schauspielerin der Tochter wurde vier (!!) mal gewechselt usw. usw., schlimmer wurde das alles noch weil die Folgen durcheinander ausgestrahlt wurden, teilweise aus verschiedenen Staffeln
Hab jetzt mal einen Post gefunden der das alles einigermaßen erklärt:
Season #1 (Woodcocks and Anthony Anderson)(Daughter #1)
Season #2 (Woodcocks and Red Head Teacher/mid-season Woodcocks JB Smoothe(guy from Curb)(Daughter #1)
Season#3 (JB Smoothe moves in and his ex-wife gusest Stars)(Daughter #2 Blonde)
Season#4 (Hippy Son In-Law)(Daughter #3 and Daughter #4(Ted's woman from Scrubs)
O.K. Fox last season after they aired 8 or so episodes made a deal to buy the remainder on season 3 (17 or so episodes and another 22 episodes of season 4(this years season)(+ they had 4 left over episodes form season#2)(Making season #4 to have 37 episodes to air)
The reason you are confused is Fox started season #4 airing episodes on Fri night from Season #4 only...this lasted about 6 weeks, in January Fox started airing episodes twice on Sunday at 7PM...It looks like they are grouping them together by themes...for 2 or 3 weeks they aired episodes that stared Kevin Nealand and his wife(5 episodes that they guest stared in over the last 2 seasons)(Now they started airing episodes that Whitey stars in)(or a season 4 episode followed by a season#2 episode like they did a couple of weeks)
The daughter situation has came about because Ally only stared in like 1 episode in season #1, 2 episodes in season #2, semi-regular in season #3, and became a regular in season #4 , durring this point in time they had changed the actress 3 times, so now that Doug(hippy son) has a story line where he believes he is staring in a sitcom, they decided it would be funny to change the actress for the 4th time, and they traded her mid episode w/ the only person realising it being Doug. (the story line makes even less since to the viewer because we have an never aired episode from earlier in the season w/ Ally#3 as the star following the episode.
Believe it or not you still have a season #2 episode left and several that star Kenny(JB Smoothe)...So try to continue to watch the show through the confusion.
I have no idea why Ally is suddenly pregnant in the cartoon episode...I assume this is a late season #4 episode since Doug says exit stage left.
Gotto give the show credit thoug except for Doug is a sitcom story line the show is getting better and better.
Also die Abgedrehtheit an sich ist mittlerweile sogar langsam lustig, aber nun wurde gerade bekannt, dass die Serie doch abgesetzt wird.
Wollte ich nur mal loswerden :F