ich hab hier diese anleitung zur code eingabe, aber ich es passiert nichts, wenn ich dann select drücke. kann es sein, dass ich was falsch mache oder was?
1. Turn the power off on your PlayStation2™ console - YOU MUST DO THIS !!!
2. Insert DVD Region X Key Dongle into Port 2 - MAKE SURE IT IS PORT 2 !!!
If you have the newer version of DVD Region X it does not come with an X Key
Dongle - use any standard memory card instead.
3. Turn your PlayStation2™ console power on
4. Wait for white PlayStation™ logo on black screen
5. Hold buttons "START" + "L1" + "L2" + "R1" + "R2" until DVDregionX has gone into the region selection screen.
6. Press "X" to open the drawer
7. Turn the power off on your PlayStation2™ console
8. Turn the power back on again and PRESS THE RESET BUTTON
9. Wait until DVDregionX is on the region selection screen
10. Press "SELECT"
11. In the Code Entry screen, follow the onscreen instructions for entering the correct code (you will find these below)
12. Once the codes are entered, press "START"
13. Select the region you want to play, on the region select screen
14. Press "X" and the disc drawer will open
15. Insert your DVD and close the disc drawer
16. Press "X" when a gold disc appears on the screen