One Lone Marine (
In the wastelands of Antiga
On a battlefield grown still
Only one Marine is standing
By a bunker on a hill.
His armour's scored with claw marks
And a shoulder wound still bleeds
A single solitary soldier-
The one last lone Marine
The battle's noise is silenced now.
The bodies lie in heaps.
He leans upon his rifle,
Bows his head, and softly weeps.
Only moments span the distance
When the comlink rang with screams
Now he stands forlorn, forsaken-
The one last lone Marine.
He remembers it so clearly
When he lost all that he loved
The Zerg descended like a plague
Rained Hell from heav'n above.
As they scoured across his homeworld
The Zerg shattered all his dreams
But he lived to wreak his vengeance-
A Confederate Marine.
The battle's moved away now
Nothing stirs across the plain.
The wind unfurls the Blood Hawk's flag
As the sky begins to rain.
The bodies of his comrades
Fallen brothers on his team
Lying shattered all around him
The one last lone Marine.
He locks and loads another clip
And thinks of all he's lost
He wonders if the victory
Is truly worth the cost.
The silence now is broken
By a horde of Zergling screams
All thoughts of home are banished
By the one last lone Marine.
He grips his rifle tightly
And waits for them to near
His stimpack gives a final shot
And drives away his fear.
His rifle chatters loudly
Tracers strafing in a stream
He fires down at the charging Zerg
The one last lone Marine
The aliens charge heedlessly
Into the hail of fire
But many run behind them
With legs that never tire.
Like a wall that pushes back the tide
Or a dike restrains the sea
He stands and holds his ground alone
The one last lone Marine.
The comlink crackles static
And no one hears him scream
As the Zerglings close around him
The one last lone Marine.