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Ronald Jenkees

Forum für alles rund um die Musik.

Ronald Jenkees

Beitrag von TheCrusher2 »


Early life
Jenkees began playing music at 4 years old, when he received a toy keyboard for Christmas as a gift. Using this keyboard, he learned simple melodies and played with friends. While still at a young age, he received a Yamaha PSR-500. He attempted piano lessons in the seventh grade, but these were unsuccessful. Jenkees discovered how to sequence and layer music using his Yamaha keyboard, and began playing hip hop music. He joined a marching band in high school, and despite being unable to read sheet music, the band director let Jenkees create his own keyboard parts and "jam out" in state competitions. The band director encouraged Jenkees to learn to read music.

Musical career
Jenkees became enthusiastic about FL Studio after a friend introduced him to it. From about 2003, he began releasing beats and raps online under the name "Big Cheez". Under this name, he produced the 2005 album Straight Laced by Fish. In 2006, Jenkees started posting videos on YouTube to entertain people, but he later began posting music-related videos. Jenkees felt that the "goofiness" he showed helped him "not feel like such a show-off". One example would be the video in which Ronald shows people "How to snap your fingers the cool way". His videos tended to feature him wearing a hat and greeting his viewers with "Hello Youtubes". His videos gradually gained popularity, and saw a boom in popularity when Bill Simmons from ESPN.com advertised Jenkees and asked him to record his podcast theme. In 2007, Jenkees independently released his first studio album, Ronald Jenkees. His YouTube videos continue to grow in popularity. In June 2009, Jenkees was featured on the STS9 album, "Peaceblaster: The New Orleans Make It Right Remixes," producing a remix of "Beyond Right Now". On July 31, 2009, Jenkees anounced via his Twitter account that he had released his second album, Disorganized Fun, on his website. It is currently available in MP3 format with physical compact discs coming soon.

Jenkees creates a variety of music ranging from techno to Rock and Roll using pianos, keys, and various PC-controlled electronic synthesizers. He also writes and produces rap.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O2aH4XL ... annel_page
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg8LfoyD ... annel_page
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoFurLev ... annel_page
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giAzopSy ... annel_page

Habe ihn gestern bei Youtube entdeckt und mir umgehend seine beiden Alben besorgt, die schlichtweg von vorne bis hinten großartige Musik beinhalten. Für jeden Elektro-Hip Hop-Enthusiasten eine absolute Empfehlung
Beiträge: 4032
Registriert: Jul 2003

Beitrag von Fahrradträger »

Woher kenne ich denn das Throwing Fire (erster Link)? Wurde das mal für ein Videospiel verwendet oder als Serienteaser? Kommt mir stark bekannt vor.

Ich hab mir vor 2 Jahren seine erste CD online gekauft aber ihn dann irgendwie aus den Ohren verloren. Toll, dass er was neues rausgebracht hat :daumen:
Q3 Bronze
Q3 Bronze
Beiträge: 22811
Registriert: Mär 2004
Wohnort: M(ain)z

Beitrag von Gustavo »

Kannte ihn tatsächlich nur vom BS Report Theme für Bill Simmons, aber was du verlinkt hast klingt gut. Denke dass ich mir die neue CD kaufe, wenn man sie bekommen kann.