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ISIS and Jesu join forces as Greymachine

Verfasst: 06.07.2009, 11:18
von TheCrusher2
You know Jesu, the band formed by former Godflesh mainstay Justin Broadrick? It's pretty heavy isn't it? You know Isis, the band lead by Aaron Turner? It's pretty heavy too. Imagine if both of those guys got together? That would be crushing. Well, imagine no more, the dudes have formed a new band called Greymachine.

Along with Jesu/Godflesh member Diarmuid Dalton and Head of David's Dave Cochrane, Broadrick and Turner will release the new group’s debut full-length Disconnected via Hydra Head Records on August 4. Apparently, the music is even more cacophonous and doomy than one might expect, offering up a download of the 10-minute track “Vultures Descend” for us to make our own judgement call.

If you want to just take Hydra Head’s word for it, “In summation, Greymachine sounds like a serious case of cyberbullying through the mind of an extremely autistic child living in an ever-shifting hadean landscape thronged with mindless militants, dilapidated cityscapes and ephemeral phantoms... so to summarize the summation, Disconnected is haunting and modern sounding... In a good way.”


1. “Wolf at the Door”
2. “Vultures Descend”
3. “When Attention Just Ain't Enough”
4. “Wasted”
5. “We Are All Fucking Liars”
6. “Just Breathing”
7. “Sweatshop”
8. “Easy Pickings”

Freu' mich drauf. :>

Verfasst: 06.07.2009, 11:52
von amitY
Freu mich auch schon drauf, Vultures Descend klingt schon mal vielversprechend, sehr noisig und böse :D

Und bald kommt dann auch hoffentlich noch das Album von Jodis:
JODIS is the new band between James Plotkin (ex-Khanate, Lotus Eaters, Khlyst etc.) Aaron Turner (ISIS, Old Man Gloom, Lotus Eaters, etc), and Tim Wyskida (ex-Khanate, Blind Idiot God, etc).

The sound might be described as expansive, tonal, minimal, or all of the above.
It has been described to me as a more relaxed KHANATE, and a much heavier LOW.
To the right, an example to which you yourself can be the judge...
Our debut album will be released early 2009 on Hydra Head records. (da kann man reinhören)

Alles was Aaron Turner anpackt ist einfach großartig :w00t:

Verfasst: 06.07.2009, 13:20
von s3nft
Man darf gespannt sein! Ja, darf man!

Verfasst: 06.07.2009, 15:02
von tsb_
Waren Jesu nicht die, die eine Split mit Envy haben?
Der muss ich nochmal nen Durchlauf gönnen. :)

BTW: Am Samstag kommen ISIS nach München. :]

Verfasst: 06.07.2009, 19:01
von TheCrusher2
Original geschrieben von bestspcs
Waren Jesu nicht die, die eine Split mit Envy haben?
Der muss ich nochmal nen Durchlauf gönnen. :)
Unbedingt! Hör dir zum Einstieg am besten ihre MLP "Silver" an.