Patchday: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 | 2:00-4:00pm Central (U.S.) / 8:00-10:00pm GMT
--Colored cross-hair options. Accessed in the game options menu.
--Colored cross-hair based on health status. Also accessed in the game options menu, but as an alternative to a constantly colored cross-hair, you can now choose to have your cross-hair colored based on your health/armor status (i.e. the closer you are to death, the darker red your cross-hair is).
--The CTF map Vortex Portal (qzteam6) has been changed slightly. The center area has been changed to bring the "secret" mega health more easily into play and clipped to prevent people from getting onto the very top of that high structure in that area (patd).
-- Most of the maps have been re-compiled to fix minor issues like missing item decals and adjust lighting. This is why the download took a bit longer than usual tonight.
--Callvoting players with a clan tag now works properly.
--Instagib games (still unranked) will now show up in your Recent Matches and "Matches" 28-day history so you can see the results. The stats from these matches still will not count for your profile or the QUAKE LIVE leader boards.
--The missing spectator scoreboard is fixed.
--Fixed the hit sounds not playing when spectating a team mate in Clan Arena.
--When you are browsing your previous matches, the game details for CTF and Team Death Match are now fixed (previously, the results were not displaying accurately).
Endlich farbige Crosshairs
Und die CrosshairHealth-Funktion klingt jetzt auch besser... bisher war es ja eher so "100% weiß ... 80% weiß ... 60% weiß ... 40% weiß ... 20% gelb ... 10% rot ... 0% tot!!"