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Die besten Map's aller Zeiten

Verfasst: 23.06.2008, 20:04
von starcow
Was sind eure Favoriten bei den custom Q3-Maps? :)
Wenns was ausgefallenes ist, wäre ein Link dazu ganz nett

Verfasst: 23.06.2008, 22:37
von Dwalinn
oha, das ist gar nicht so einfach, da muß ich mal in mich gehen und überlegen was ich denn über die jahr so gut fand. eine fällt mir aber schonmal ein, und zwar wäre das Pyramid of the Magician. klasse optik.
sehr geil von der optik fand ich damals auch Ancient Archipelago von Lloyd Morris. oder OverWhelming Hostility von Auhsan oder Coriolis Storm von Lunaran. die maps von Q-Fraggel oder Bal fand ich auch immer toll. ich könnte wohl noch bißchen so weiter machen...
vielleicht fällt mir ja noch was konkretes ein, dann poste ich das nochmal.

Verfasst: 23.06.2008, 22:44
von Roughael
meine lieblingsmaps sind eigentlich alle von mIKE:
besonders my iron lung und die ssv version von nice dreams, welche aber nirgends zu finden ist, die wurde nur für mich gemacht :catch:
ahja und q3wcp23

Verfasst: 23.06.2008, 22:53
von karn
ztn3tourney1, keine Frage.

Verfasst: 25.06.2008, 15:23
von Levin
ich als defragler kann nur b0_beta6 empfehlen.
ich hab auf die schnelle nur beta5 gefunden. wenn jemand beta6 haben will und nicht findet sagt bescheid, dann lade ich die map hoch. :)
mastering b0 part1 by mew

Verfasst: 25.06.2008, 19:23
von ebbel
Oje, da gibts viele, die ich gut finde...die Maps von Quint zum Beispiel




die RQ-Maps von Rainman

und viele mehr... :)

Ich muß mal mein Baseq3 durchforsten, da schlummern viele Perlen.

Verfasst: 25.06.2008, 20:20
von Callahan
Quake 3 Maps?


The Q3A map database has 1977 levels

Lloyd Morris hat gute Maps gemacht.

Ancient Archipelago


A beautiful large citadel set amidst an alpine panorama. The mid morning winter light, crisp shadows, bitter wind and good detailing create an extraordinary sense of ambience. The map uses a classic architectural style with lots of marble floors, columns, and twining vines outside. Jumping around on the roof tops is very cool, something not often used in levels. Unsuprisingly, the framerate bites in parts, and some areas are overly dark but overall its not too bad. Bot play is good. ... l&p=review

The Omnipresent Eye


Enormous, extravagent and elaborate. The map feels like some kind of techno Tsarist Siberian fantasy. The background a panorama of snow laden peaks under the baleful gaze of a huge unblinking, unmoving eye. A second eye lurks within. A map more designed for sightseeing than fireplay, the architecture overwhelms the gameplay and weapons and health are scarse. There are lots of gadgets; the shot via remote portal feature was cool but almost useless (though, I did get a few :]). A lot of the areas are really dark and unused. ... l&p=review



We're back in the Land of the Giants again. The setting is a small cluttered backyard, there is a even a little pond complete with a floating boat. The attention to detail, ambient sounds and custom textures all work well in creating our little virtual backyard but when your done looking around.. the gameplay just sucks. Framerates are way too low and while bot play is ok, it gets dull quick. Details like the condom package and matchbox jump pads are cool but the real challenge would be to create a map with this kind of satisfying detail AND kickarse gameplay. ... l&p=review



A technicolour kitchen, complete with everything you would find at your mum's house. Your player height is about that of a small mouse. A lot of work has gone into the custom textures, and it has really paid off. The toaster is very cool :] The brush work is great and the proportions are consistent unlike some levels that use this land of the giants theme. As you might expect the frame rate is low most of the time, with consistently high r_speeds this is inevitable. Bots play fine until they discover the Railgun, then they just camp out. They also do not go for the Flight power-up or the BFG. ... l&p=review

Rubic's Back and He's Pissed!


You are in a box with several of Rubic's famous cubes. These cubes are tall, but the level has low gravity that allow players to climb up to the Megahealth, Quad, and Invisibility. The game play isn't so great, but the items are placed generally higher up to promote a degree of interest.

It is another novelty map; the file size is very small, so play it for as long as you care to. ... l&p=review

The Simpsons Map


As the name suggests this is a very accurate replica of the neighbourhood of the animated FOX series, The Simpsons. Lover's of beautiful maps will slaver to get their hands on this! The map is full of amazing details. You can run through the house of the Simpsons, visit their Living room, go to Bart's and Lisa's rooms, even the Bathroom is fully walkable.
But that's still not the end, this map is big. You can visit Moe's, The Kwik-e Mart, Bart's and Lisa's school and many more, to make it short: all the cool places you know from the TV series.
But all this has a price: be sure you have enough free memory, set at least 128 MB as hunk_megs! A strong CPU is also a must, because there are many little details like furniture which let rise the poly count.
There is not much I could say about playability, just that this map is only suitable for really big fun matches, you will need lots of people to get speed into the gameplay.
If you are only interested in gameplay, you may want to skip this one as the visuals have been the focus and goal of the map. Bot's seem to have a few issues, be sure to take a look into the maps readme.
For all those, like me, who love detailed and atmospheric maps, this is the one of the best maps to date, a real keeper! Maggu, we want a child from you ;D
Tigs notes: The readme states you may need to set the variable com_hunkmegs to 100 at the console, however I did not require this. I suspect people with 512MB or less of RAM may need to. ... l&p=review



As the author explains, this map was "not built as a really playable map but as a design study". This is a light-grey floater in a light-grey space. The map looks like a cartoon drawing, which is interesting for some minutes, and remembers to Charon's geocomp2 entry. For being a floater, it offers some complexity with lots of bounce pads and platforms. The item placement has its nitpicks, like the megahealth, too close to the red armour, focusing too much the game play on the center. Bots play with some problems, dropping too much on that central area to get the best items.
A nice design study. Download it if you are a diehard floater fragger.

Tigs Notes: Its great to see people trying new styles and this 'cell shading' aesthetic is very cool. Great work! ... l&p=review

ach und noch viele mehr, die alle zu listen wäre echt zuviel...

sorry wenn ich Lloyds Maps noch mal gelistet habe obwohl die
Dwalinn schon genannt hat. Die Pyramid Map sieht auf den ersten Blick echt gut aus für's Optische. Wie sich die alle tun für das Gameplay sei mal "erstmal" dahingestellt.

Verfasst: 30.06.2008, 01:28
von sst13
Sehr schöner Industry Style: Grindill 2.0 by Quaker-X
Sehr schöne Details: Station 52 by Quaker-X
Schön viel Grünzeug: Quake Monkeys by Nathan Silvers
Sehr schicker Gothic Style: House of Evil by ShadowZombie
Eine meiner lieblings custom FFA Maps: Iron Yard by Friction

Darf man auch eigene nennen? :ugly:

Verfasst: 30.06.2008, 13:21
von Dwalinn
Original geschrieben von sst13
Sehr schöner Industry Style: Grindill 2.0 by Quaker-X
Sehr schöne Details: Station 52 by Quaker-X
Schön viel Grünzeug: Quake Monkeys by Nathan Silvers
Sehr schicker Gothic Style: House of Evil by ShadowZombie
Eine meiner lieblings custom FFA Maps: Iron Yard by Friction

Darf man auch eigene nennen? :ugly:
bis auf die vierte map möchte ich mich dem anschließen. ach je, ich bin so unschlüssig, es gibt soooo viele klasse maps...

Verfasst: 30.06.2008, 14:16
von hwl
aeroq3 und ztn3t1 :|
achne.. 6++ und overkill...

hmm :gaga:

Verfasst: 16.07.2008, 21:04
von sst13
Der Klassiker schlechthin: Chartres by QkennyQ
Sehr schöne Atmosphäre: Gajapoor by Zihaben and Yan Zaraki