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welcher anime ist das?

Verfasst: 25.08.2007, 19:01
von Carzeri

Verfasst: 25.08.2007, 19:13
von toxelchen
steht doch dabei... :ugly:


warum sind bei anidb die fansubs weg? :sad:

Verfasst: 25.08.2007, 19:19
von Carzeri
Dachte nur das Lied heisst so, thx :)

Verfasst: 26.08.2007, 16:39
von suckel
Original geschrieben von toxelchen
warum sind bei anidb die fansubs weg? :sad:
12.08.07 11:58 by deridiot
No we didn`t remove that info. All you have to do is register and login to see it again. This information was visible from the last changelog already, but like usual no one reads those...

[FEAT] less features when you are not logged in

I did not say reregister. The above message is addressed at the users who used anidb without an account before.

For the rest of you users who actually have an account and don`t see it this is caused by some malfunction of the language filter in your profile.