Was AniDB ist:
AniDB ist mit ~4300 anime die wohl größte Online Datenbank rund um das Thema anime.
Die Enzyklopädie alleine ist schon der Hammer, aber das besondere extra ist die "MyList". Jeder kann sich eine solche anlegen!
Wer das nicht mit der Hand machen will hat für Windows und Linux/Unix schöne Apps die alles auto. machen.MyList:
Keep a complete list of all the anime you have collected with minimal effort.
Take advantage of tons of specific anime/episode info already added by other users, your anime list was never this comprehensive.
Never again wonder where that episode xyz is stored, which groups you were collecting or if you have watched it already.
Easily find animes you could watch next.
Share your anime list with other users. Using the detailed anidb access controls you decide who can access your Mylist and to what extend.
Compare your anime list with other users to see what anime they have and you don't.
Export your Mylist into other user defined formats for offline use (i.e. csv, html, xml, ...).
Use AniDB Clients to browse your MyList offline. (See: AOM )
Windows: http://wiki.anidb.net/w/AOM / http://wiki.anidb.info/w/WebAOM
Linux/Unix: http://wiki.anidb.info/w/WebAOM
[qS]Jiaom: Jiaom http://anidb.net/u230847
Scratchy: cubi http://anidb.net/u244363
spid: spidey http://anidb.net/u46905
uarGh: unlust http://anidb.net/u18798
Klump3n: klump3n http://anidb.net/u200775
schattig aka kroko^unleashed: ghostr1der http://anidb.net/u179886
Vandelay: darkode http://anidb.net/u265547
Octantis: octantis http://anidb.net/u267370
o03o: o03o http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?sh ... uid=108057
ryz: ryz http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?sh ... uid=282042
sno: snononoko http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?sh ... uid=282728
masat: masat http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?sh ... uid=162988
max for resistance: neogenic http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?sh ... uid=347569
(Stand: 28.07.09)