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Verfasst: 17.01.2005, 00:38
von nylon

ich habe vor kurzem einen gameserver mit osp + cpma aufgesetzt..

lief alles wunderbar, bis mir auffiel, dass ich die letzten
maps, die ich draufgepackt habe (hub3tourney z.B.), sich nicht voten lassen...
-> map not available oder so...

und seit heute kann eine andere map plötzlich auch nich mehr gevotet werden...

kennt vllt jmd so ein problem?

hier noch die osp server.cfg (unter cpma hab ich es noch nicht versucht...
da ich neu in sachen serveradmin, kann vllt jmd die cfg nach anderen fehlern absuchen?! thx!

set map_file "cfg-maps/1on1maps.txt"
set map_rotate "0"
set map_autoload "1"
set map_halt "0"
set map_nocount "0"
set map_once "1"
set map_queue "1"
set map_random "0"
set bot_enable "0"
set capturelimit "0"
set dmflags "0"
set filterBan "1"
set floodprotect "0"
set fraglimit "0"
set g_allowBulletPrediction "1"
set g_allowvote "1"
set g_dowarmup "1"
set g_forceRespawn "5"
set g_gametype "0"
set g_gpskill "2"
set g_gravity "800"
set g_inactivity "0"
set g_knockback "1000"
set g_maxTeamkills "10"
set g_needpass "1"
set g_password "1on1"
set g_quadfactor "4.0"
set g_speed "320"
set g_teamautojoin "0"
set g_teamforcebalance "0"
set g_warmup "0"
set g_weaponrespawn "5"
set gauntlet_damage "50"
set gauntlet_disable "0"
set item_disable "4"
set logfile "0"
set match_instagib "0"
set match_latejoin "1"
set match_maxsuicides "0"
set match_poweruprespawn "60"
set match_mutespecs "0"
set match_overtime "1"
set match_overtimecount "0"
set match_overtimelength "5"
set match_readypercent "100"
set mg_damage "7"
set osp_gamename "1"
set pmove_fixed "0"
set pmove_msec "8"
set powerup_disable "255"
set railgun_damage "100"
set replace_bfg "8"
set roundlimit "0"
set server_availmodes "63"
set server_maxpacketsmax "125"
set server_maxpacketsmin "30"
set server_ospauth "1"
set server_realping "0"
set server_timenudgemax "0"
set server_timenudgemin "-20"
set start_armor "0"
set start_bfg "0"
set start_bullets "100"
set start_cells "0"
set start_grenades "0"
set start_health "125"
set start_lightning "0"
set start_rockets "0"
set start_shells "0"
set start_slugs "0"
set sv_allowdownload "1"
set sv_cheats "0"
set sv_fps "30"
set sv_maxclients "4"
set sv_maxping "0"
set sv_maxRate "10000"
set sv_minping "0"
set sv_paused "0"
set sv_privateClients "0"
set sv_privatepassword ""
set sv_pure "1"
set sv_reconnectlimit "0"
set sv_strictauth "1"
set sv_timeout "120"
set sv_zombietime "2"
set team_allcaptain "0"
set team_noamready "0"
set team_nocontrols "0"
set timelimit "15"
set g_allowvote "1"
set mode_start "0"
set server_availmodes "0"
set vote_limit "1"
set vote_percent "50"
set vote_allow_altgraphics "0"
set vote_allow_allcaptain "0"
set vote_allow_armordamage "0"
set vote_allow_capturelimit "0"
set vote_allow_ca_startrespawn "0"
set vote_allow_ca_warmupfire "0"
set vote_allow_cq3 "0"
set vote_allow_dropitems "0"
set vote_allow_falling "0"
set vote_allow_fastrail "0"
set vote_allow_fraglimit "0"
set vote_allow_hook "0"
set vote_allow_instagib "0"
set vote_allow_items "0"
set vote_allow_kick "0"
set vote_allow_lgcooldown "0"
set vote_allow_map "1"
set vote_allow_machinegun "0"
set vote_allow_maxpackets "0"
set vote_allow_mutespecs "1"
set vote_allow_notimer "0"
set vote_allow_osphud "0"
set vote_allow_overtime "0"
set vote_allow_pmove "0"
set vote_allow_poweruprespawn "0"
set vote_allow_powerups "0"
set vote_allow_promode "0"
set vote_allow_reload "0"
set vote_allow_referee "0"
set vote_allow_respawn "0"
set vote_allow_roundlimit "1"
set vote_allow_teamdamage "0"
set vote_allow_thrufloors "0"
set vote_allow_timelimit "1"
set vote_allow_timenudge "0"
set vote_allow_weaponrespawn "0"
set weapon_have "257"
set sv_punkbuster "1"
set cl_punkbuster "1"
map "ztn3tourney1"

Verfasst: 17.01.2005, 09:17
von Bucko
// ==================
// ==================
// map_file <filename>
// Specifies file containing map info (default = "maps.txt").
// map_autoload <0|1|2|3>
// 0 - disabled (do not auto-search for maps)
// * 1 - normal auto-search based on gametype
// 2 - Same as 1, except is also adds maps that don't have a properly
// specified .arena file.
// 3 - Add all maps found in osp/ and baseq3/ directories.
// Dynamic map lists! With Quake 1.27n or higher, OSP now has
// the capability of auto-generating map lists on the fly, based on
// current game type. The OSP map lists are still useful for forcing
// maps to be available in the case where the auto-generation of the
// map list misses a particular map (i.e. a map's .arena file doesn't
// specify the current active g_gametype). There is also a new map
// entry type:
// deletemap <mapname>
// To *remove* maps that are auto-added but are not desired by the
// server admin.
// Note: OSP will regenerate these map lists on map load and map
// restarts, so for remote administration, all one has to
// do is upload the map .pk3 file to the baseq3/ directory,
// and OSP will automatically pick it up and add it to the
// maplist (if the .arena for the map specifies the map is
// intended for the current gametype). OSP will also weed
// out maps that are specified, but are not located on the
// server (i.e. mapname typos in the map config file).
// map_queue <0|1>
// 0 - Disable using the map queue. Disabling the map queue
// also disables all settings listed below.
// * 1 - Map queue is loaded and enabled (default)
// map_rotate <0|1>
// 0 - Map queue is enabled, but maps arent cycled at the
// end of a match (server stays on the same map until
// the current map is voted out).
// * 1 - Maps are cycled at the end of each match
// map_random <0|1>
// 0 - Step through the map list in the order it is
// specified.
// * 1 - Maps are randomly picked in the map queue
// map_once <0|1>
// 0 - No guarantee that a map will not be picked more
// times than any other map (if random cycling is
// enabled).
// * 1 - Guarantees that a map will only be picked once
// in an entire cycling of the map queue
// map_nocount <0|1>
// * 0 - Honors the min/max player settings as specified
// by the map queue.
// 1 - Ignores player counts and freely selects any map
// in the map queue.
// map_halt <0|1>
// * 0 - No pausing of the nect level load.
// 1 - Suspends the next map loading indefinately.
set map_file "maps.txt"
set map_autoload 1
set map_queue 1
set map_rotate 1
set map_once 1
set map_random 1
set map_nocount 0
set map_halt 0

Quelle: OSP Dok's

Verfasst: 17.01.2005, 12:59
von nylon
hmja, k, thx

map_autoload "3" dit wars... rtfm, jaja :ugly:

Verfasst: 17.01.2005, 14:27
von Bucko
Original erstellt von aS4hi
rtfm, jaja