Seite 17 von 17

Verfasst: 02.06.2017, 11:37
von floppydrive
Malthael kommt zu Hots, finde ich ganz interessant vom Skillset her ... t-of-death

Verfasst: 22.06.2017, 18:52
von floppydrive

Verfasst: 01.07.2017, 01:41
von ts_tommy

sieht gude aus

Verfasst: 09.09.2017, 01:47
von floppydrive
oh gott :lol:


Verfasst: 15.09.2017, 21:10
von floppydrive
Obwohl ich mich eher auf einen neuen Starcraft Helden gefreut hätte, Junkrat und Ana kommen


Verfasst: 26.09.2017, 10:07
von floppydrive
Recht hat er ( ... out_there/)
As a former LoL player, it's so funny to me to see all of the changes Riot making that follow suit with a lot of the mechanics in HOTS.

In this most recent season, League added a early game Merc-like camp that pushes a lane and added quests to a few items that powers up gameplay when complete. They even added an MVP screen in the form of their Honor system. Now, for their next season, they've announced an unlimited leveling system with a loot box as a reward for leveling up.

It just goes to show you that HOTS continues to grow in this industry and shape it, going as far to influence multiple aspects of the most popular MOBA. I'm not as well-versed in other MOBAs, but I'm sure they're feeling the pressure as well thanks to HOTS 2.0. Congrats to the Blizzard team for their originality and innovation.

Verfasst: 23.10.2017, 23:28
von floppydrive
floppydrive hat geschrieben:Da im jetzt Lounges Verfügbar sind habe ich mal eine für uns erstellt, hier könnt ihr joinen:

Verfasst: 07.11.2017, 01:16
von floppydrive
Endlich <3
We’ve also received feedback from players who have been disappointed to find past Heroes’ launch skins split up between Loot Chests and direct purchase in the Collection. Thanks to your feedback, we’re going to adjust Heroic Bundles and Skin Packs to include all of a new Hero’s launch skins so you won’t need to rely on Loot Chests to collect them all!
Quelle: ... -11-6-2017

Gab dazu noch einen schönes Post im Reddit der das ganze gut beleuchtet
2.0 fractured their players into 3 pools.

- Players who have always been and remain F2P/small spenders.
- Players who have always paid and continue to spend money on 2.0.
- Players who used to paid but stopped spending money on 2.0.

This decision is to turn the 3rd group back into spenders. This is not supposed to affect either other group. So now why would people be in that 3rd group? Simply they are the group who refused loot boxes entirely. They will not spend any money on them.

If Blizzard decided to make everything available for gem purchase again, then they'd mess up the 2nd group. They still want to keep them spending money on boxes, and having a purchase option on everything makes boxes worth entirely nothing.

This decision is just to give group 3 something to spend money on again. The players who rejected loot boxes, without undermining the loot box system for the players who accept it.

Verfasst: 09.11.2017, 21:39
von ts_tommy
kann ich mit leben, hab nach 2.0 beinahe nix ausgegeben.

die schlachtfeldänderungen klingen auch nach frischem wind.
eine etwas größere kameraentfernung wollt ich schon länger.

Verfasst: 16.01.2018, 20:39
von floppydrive

Verfasst: 14.06.2018, 13:58
von floppydrive
Neues Event ist da, habe das letzte total verpasst wenn man so wenig Zeit hat :ugly:


Verfasst: 26.10.2018, 00:20
von ts_tommy
blizzcon läuft pewpew

Verfasst: 26.10.2018, 06:59
von floppydrive
ts_tommy hat geschrieben:blizzcon läuft pewpew
Danke für die Info, hatte ich total vergessen :daumen:

Verfasst: 14.12.2018, 09:41
von floppydrive ... storm-news

Blizzard versetzt hots in einen Maintance Modus, heißt weniger Updates wie zb bei Diablo 3. Weiterhin werden beide esport events für 2019 eingestellt.

Weiß jetzt nicht so recht was ich davon halten soll, klingt bissl nach wie geben hots auf -.-

Verfasst: 14.12.2018, 18:24
von ts_tommy
jop, diablo 3 modus. schade drum, hätte gern nochn jahr HGC gesehen :<
