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PQ Discord Server: #planetquake Spenden? Hier entlang!
Login wie bei quake.ingame.de zuvor, die Passwörter aus der alten Datenbank wurden aber gelöscht - einmal hier neu anfordern.
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PQ Discord Server: #planetquake Spenden? Hier entlang!
- Accuracy
- Beiträge: 8099
- Registriert: Dez 2002
- Ranger
- Beiträge: 7
- Registriert: Okt 2013
- Wohnort: NRW
- Kontaktdaten:
Arbeitet ihr jetzt immer zu zweit? Das ist aber süß, so lernt man sich auch gut kennen.
Hello, my name is Roland Koch. I'm a boy. I like reading. For some time Rece Rekently Scheiss Englisch, versteht doch eh keiner. I go to school.
Der Satzbau weckt Erinnerungen an die 8. Klasse.When I was only about Four years old I lived with the Pickett family. They were the only family I knew. My family had a lot of children “Real and Foster”. But to me they were all aliens. My “mom” or as we called her Mu-Deah was a very stong woman, she had no problem yelling at me or my brothers and sisters. I was scared that Mu- Deah knew everything and that when I looked at her she put her human face on. But as the day went on when I wasn’t around she was an alien. Mu-Deah took me to my caseworker about once a week just to make sure that I was coming along well with my family. My “real” mom is supposed to be there but she has missed the last two appointments. But when we went this time she was there. The only part of the child service office that I liked was the toy box.
Hello, my name is Roland Koch. I'm a boy. I like reading. For some time Rece Rekently Scheiss Englisch, versteht doch eh keiner. I go to school.
- Stripe
- Beiträge: 2380
- Registriert: Feb 2009
- Wohnort: Aldebaran
- Accuracy
- Beiträge: 8099
- Registriert: Dez 2002
- Cadavre
- Beiträge: 3332
- Registriert: Mai 2012
- Ranger
- Beiträge: 7
- Registriert: Okt 2013
- Wohnort: NRW
- Kontaktdaten: