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Make the Bounding BOX to a Bounding Sphere.....

Im Editing-Forum könnt ihr Fragen übers Mapping, Modeling und Skinning oder andere Kreativfragen wie Coding für Mods usw. stellen. Darüber hinaus werden Fragen rund um das Erstellen von Movies und um vorhandene Movies geklärt.

Make the Bounding BOX to a Bounding Sphere.....

Beitrag von Landix »

HI ho,

Make the Bounding BOX to a Bounding Sphere.....

The Player model is in a bounding BOX, anybody have tried to make it a sphere!?

For our q3 geoball MOD it would be a milestone to have this.

I think it is some math to do this so!?
Anybody can us help out with that!?

BTW new BetaTelePortalVideo here:



Beitrag von CrYoS »

oh damnit Landix, you try it in every forum, right ?

This little "issue" is a essentital key feature for your project, it would be better if you had thought about it before you start....