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I believe that it's time to feel music again. To feel it like people felt it in the forest, you know, like, before electricity corrupted everybody. I believe it's a tribal thing. And it can feel, and it can take you to places that you couldn't have arrived at otherwise. People try to downplay art like it's entertainment, when really it's magic. It's magic that came from the caves millions of years ago and people try to make it small, but really it's the highest thing that we can aspire as humans: to try to communicate feelings and emotions to each other. (Dax Riggs)
Original geschrieben von crunge sehr gut gausz. die platte muss jeder im cd regal haben.
schon von der reunion gehoert? bzw neuer platte? seit ewigkeiten? ich bin gespannt.
Wuwuwu halt mich auf dem laufenden!
Ach, heute im Saturn gewesen und fein Schnäppchen gemacht:
Coldplay - Parachutes
Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
The Smiths - The Smiths
Mir gefällt es langsam auch am besten, hab sonst noch "Agaetis Byrjun". Die Musik hat echt was ganz besonderes irgendwie, komm davon gar nicht mehr weg
Pain of Salvation - Scarsick
Tomahawk - Mit Gas
Transatlantic - SMPTE
Stanley Turrentine - On A Misty Night
Blackfield - II
Dream Theater - When dream and day unite
Pentagram - best of 1974 - 1979 oder so
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Original geschrieben von drluv das forum ist wie die firma. man kommt nicht lebend heraus, es prägt, es vermittelt, es ist.
I believe that it's time to feel music again. To feel it like people felt it in the forest, you know, like, before electricity corrupted everybody. I believe it's a tribal thing. And it can feel, and it can take you to places that you couldn't have arrived at otherwise. People try to downplay art like it's entertainment, when really it's magic. It's magic that came from the caves millions of years ago and people try to make it small, but really it's the highest thing that we can aspire as humans: to try to communicate feelings and emotions to each other. (Dax Riggs)