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The New News Thread Thready
- Perfect
- Beiträge: 9981
- Registriert: Mai 2000
- Wohnort: weisst du doch nicht
The New News Thread Thready
The original Contra to appear on PS2
It will be part of the fifth batch for the Oretachi Geesen Zoku series from Hamster, which will include the original arcade Contra (1987), as well as Pooyan (1982) and Akumajou Dracula ('Haunted Castle' in Western countries, from 1988), the only specifically arcade-based Castlevania and one of the rarest (and hardest) games in the series. As you see, this is a 'Konami special' which has May 25th as the release date, according to Famitsu Magazine.
Der aktuelle DreamCast Shooter erscheint unter dem namen Radirgy Generic für den GameCube und als Radirgy Precious für die PS2, beide Versionen werden den Original Arcade Mode beinhalten und ein System spezifisches Score-Attack system haben
It will be part of the fifth batch for the Oretachi Geesen Zoku series from Hamster, which will include the original arcade Contra (1987), as well as Pooyan (1982) and Akumajou Dracula ('Haunted Castle' in Western countries, from 1988), the only specifically arcade-based Castlevania and one of the rarest (and hardest) games in the series. As you see, this is a 'Konami special' which has May 25th as the release date, according to Famitsu Magazine.
Der aktuelle DreamCast Shooter erscheint unter dem namen Radirgy Generic für den GameCube und als Radirgy Precious für die PS2, beide Versionen werden den Original Arcade Mode beinhalten und ein System spezifisches Score-Attack system haben
- Perfect
- Beiträge: 9981
- Registriert: Mai 2000
- Wohnort: weisst du doch nicht
Dance Dance Email Revolution
Microsoft is trading mouse pads for dance pads. The software maker’s research unit has whipped up a prototype email program that lets users scroll and delete with their feet. Called “StepMail,” the program uses a pad somewhat akin to Dance Dance Revolution’s.
“There’s a whole bunch of things that we do with our hands and feet, but computers have never really been one of those,” says MSoft’s Kevin Schofield. The project’s webpage reports that the average heart rate increased 19 percent while using the StepMail program. How did users feel? Taking a keyboard break was “popular.”
Microsoft is trading mouse pads for dance pads. The software maker’s research unit has whipped up a prototype email program that lets users scroll and delete with their feet. Called “StepMail,” the program uses a pad somewhat akin to Dance Dance Revolution’s.
“There’s a whole bunch of things that we do with our hands and feet, but computers have never really been one of those,” says MSoft’s Kevin Schofield. The project’s webpage reports that the average heart rate increased 19 percent while using the StepMail program. How did users feel? Taking a keyboard break was “popular.”
- Perfect
- Beiträge: 9981
- Registriert: Mai 2000
- Wohnort: weisst du doch nicht
Senkou Rev.X
Die Xbox360 Version von G.Revs versus Shmup wurde auf Julie verschoben. Gründe wurden nicht genannt. Evtl. wird noch an der online Funktion gearbeitet oder man wartet bis die Xbox360 in japan mehr verbreitet ist.
So far, the japanese Xbox360 still has sold less since its debut than the first Xbox did on its launching week in Japan. Tough challenges ahead for Microsoft Japan.
Microsoft Handheld
Tech industry analysts expect Microsoft to announce a new handheld system on March 9, which is code-named Origami. The new Microsoft handheld system is capable of playing music, videos, download contents from the web, play exclusive videogames like Halo, and access multimedia contents like a PDA. It is uncertain whether this product will be marketed as a handheld game system or a mobile device like Blackberry. (Source: USA Today)
Die Xbox360 Version von G.Revs versus Shmup wurde auf Julie verschoben. Gründe wurden nicht genannt. Evtl. wird noch an der online Funktion gearbeitet oder man wartet bis die Xbox360 in japan mehr verbreitet ist.
So far, the japanese Xbox360 still has sold less since its debut than the first Xbox did on its launching week in Japan. Tough challenges ahead for Microsoft Japan.
Microsoft Handheld
Tech industry analysts expect Microsoft to announce a new handheld system on March 9, which is code-named Origami. The new Microsoft handheld system is capable of playing music, videos, download contents from the web, play exclusive videogames like Halo, and access multimedia contents like a PDA. It is uncertain whether this product will be marketed as a handheld game system or a mobile device like Blackberry. (Source: USA Today)
origami aha.. sie wollen an ihren japan erfolg anknüpfenOriginal geschrieben von ageha
Senkou Rev.X
Die Xbox360 Version von G.Revs versus Shmup wurde auf Julie verschoben. Gründe wurden nicht genannt. Evtl. wird noch an der online Funktion gearbeitet oder man wartet bis die Xbox360 in japan mehr verbreitet ist.
So far, the japanese Xbox360 still has sold less since its debut than the first Xbox did on its launching week in Japan. Tough challenges ahead for Microsoft Japan.
Microsoft Handheld
Tech industry analysts expect Microsoft to announce a new handheld system on March 9, which is code-named Origami. The new Microsoft handheld system is capable of playing music, videos, download contents from the web, play exclusive videogames like Halo, and access multimedia contents like a PDA. It is uncertain whether this product will be marketed as a handheld game system or a mobile device like Blackberry. (Source: USA Today)
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
03.03.2006, 09:38
fertig und Release-Info
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion ist fertig. Das bestätigte heute Hersteller Bethesda Softworks in einer offiziellen Mitteilung. Das Rollenspiel soll weltweit nahezu gleichzeitig für Xbox 360 aund PC in der Woche ab dem 20. März erscheinen. Auch die Collector's Edition (siehe News) wird zur selben Zeit in den Läden stehen. PR-Mann Pete Hynes von Bethesda gibt an, dass der Release in den USA wahrscheinlich am 21. März ist. In Europa könnte es laut Hynes ein paar Tage später werden. Die großen Versandhändler in Deutschland rechnen mit der Veröffentlichung am 24. März.
'Unser ambitioniertestes Projekt ist schlussendlich fertig. ... Ich denke, es ist unser bestes Spiel bislang.', kommentiert Produzent Todd Howard die Meldung. Die Verspätung hält sich in Grenzen: Ursprünglich sollte Oblivion im Dezember letzten Jahres erscheinen. Ob es noch mehr Feintuning gebraucht hätte oder ob alles in Ordnung ist, verraten wir Ihnen in einem Test in der nächsten GameStar-Ausgabe.
Midway und Natsume unterstützen Revolution
Freitag, 03.03.2006 @ 11:03
THQ kündigt erstes Spiel an
David Zucker, Midway CEO, hat bestätigt, dass man einen Titel für Nintendo's Revolution Konsole entwickelt. Worum es sich dabei handelt, wurde allerdings nicht gesagt. Erscheinen soll das Spiel Ende des Jahres im Launch-Zeitraum der neuen Konsole.
Auch Harvest Moon Entwickler Natsume hat gegenüber IGN Revolution bestätigt, dass man einen Titel für die Revolution in Entwicklung hat. Ob es sich dabei um ein neues Harvest Moon handelt, ist bisher unklar. Allerdings könnte der Titel auf der E3 im Mai hinter verschlossenen Türen gezeigt werden.
Desweiteren hat THQ den ersten Titel für die Revolution angekündigt. Dabei handelt es sich um Cars, welches auf dem neuen Animationsfilm der Pixar Studio's basiert. Da der Film in den USA bereits im Juni in die Kinos kommt, erscheint der Titel mit etwas Verspätung gegenüber den anderen Versionen.
Douglas Perry, Redakteur bei IGN gab auf den IGN Boards bekannt, dass man beim Xbox 360-Bereich von IGN Heute eine spezielle Ankündigung über ein Spiel machen wird, mit dem man "nie und nimmer" gerechnet hat. IGN wird erste Screenshots, News und ein Interview mit dem Presidenten der Herstellerfirma anbieten.
Laut Perry handetlt es sich um einen Exklusivtitel für die Xbox 360 mit dem keiner gerechnet hat und er immer noch erstaunt sei aufgrund der Ankündigung. Demnach soll man sich auf viele Reaktionen und Diskussionen gefasst machen.
Verdächtig erscheint in diesem Zusammenhang die Eröffnung des Shenmue Passports, denn dies könnte ein Indiz für ein mögliches Shenmue III sein. Aber von Square Enix Titeln, auch aus dem Final Fantasy-Franchise über Metal Gear Solid-Ableger sind alle Titel möglich.
- Perfect
- Beiträge: 9981
- Registriert: Mai 2000
- Wohnort: weisst du doch nicht
- Perfect
- Beiträge: 9981
- Registriert: Mai 2000
- Wohnort: weisst du doch nicht
2 neue Ingame screenshots von so einem spiel.. ka
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a2/has ... ss3ps3.jpg
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a2/has ... ss2ps3.jpg
in der neuen OPM sollen wohl mehr sein
Gradius VI PS3
Gradius VI
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Konami's phenomenal side-scrolling space shoot-'em-up series blew away fans of the genre with the phenomenal Treasure-developed Gradius V, and one can only imagine what the Vic Viper will look like on a next-gen platform. Unfortunately, this one may never see the light of day - 1UP has been told by a source close to Konami that the game is on "indefinite hold".
liegt wohl auf Eis
2 neue Ingame screenshots von so einem spiel.. ka
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a2/has ... ss3ps3.jpg
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a2/has ... ss2ps3.jpg
in der neuen OPM sollen wohl mehr sein
Gradius VI PS3
Gradius VI
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Konami's phenomenal side-scrolling space shoot-'em-up series blew away fans of the genre with the phenomenal Treasure-developed Gradius V, and one can only imagine what the Vic Viper will look like on a next-gen platform. Unfortunately, this one may never see the light of day - 1UP has been told by a source close to Konami that the game is on "indefinite hold".
liegt wohl auf Eis
Traumwertung für Final Fantasy XII
Kurz vor dem Release von Final Fantasy XII für die PlayStation 2 in Japan am 16. März, kommt nun die erste Wertung zum Spiel. Die Famitsu hat in ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe dem Titel satte 40 Punkte und damit die Maximalpunktzahl verliehen. Alle 4 Redakteure haben jeweils 10, von maximal 10 Punkten vergeben und Final Fantasy XII zu einem der höchstbewerteten Games in der Geschichte des Magazins gekürt.
Final Fantasy XII - (10 / 10 / 10 / 10)
Kurz vor dem Release von Final Fantasy XII für die PlayStation 2 in Japan am 16. März, kommt nun die erste Wertung zum Spiel. Die Famitsu hat in ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe dem Titel satte 40 Punkte und damit die Maximalpunktzahl verliehen. Alle 4 Redakteure haben jeweils 10, von maximal 10 Punkten vergeben und Final Fantasy XII zu einem der höchstbewerteten Games in der Geschichte des Magazins gekürt.
Final Fantasy XII - (10 / 10 / 10 / 10)
PS3 Download Service
Laut gamesindustry.biz, plant Sony einen großen Downloadservice, um Spiele digital zu verkaufen. Dabei berufen sie sich auf Entwicklerquellen. Dieser Service könne in der PS3 Verwendung finden, oder aber auch in einer Neuauflage der PS2. Einige große Entwicklerstudios haben bestätigt, dass Sony mit ihnen Gespräche über die digitale Distribution von Spielen auf Konsolen, geführt habe. Diese Gespräche sollen allerdings ausschließlich die Technologie für einen solchen Service als Thema gehabt haben. Ein Entwickler eines bekannten 3rd-Party Publishers ließ verlauten, dass Sony mit ihnen über die technischen Möglichkeiten der digitalen Distribution von PSone und PS2 Spielen gesprochen habe. Im Gegensatz zu Nintendo's Downloadservice, wäre dies allerdings bei Sony schwerer zu realisieren, was auf die Größe der Spiele zurückzuführen ist: PSone Titel hatten einige hundert Megabyte, PS2 Titel sogar mehrere Gigabyte. Andererseits haben auch heute schon einige Xbox 360 Demos, die man sich über den Xbox Live Service downloaden kann, über 600MB. Laut einigen Quellen soll Sony jedoch die Möglichkeit untersuchen, dass man z.B. einen PS2 Titel herunterläd und schon anfängt zu spielen, während im Hintergrund das restliche Spiel heruntergeladen wird.
Verwunderlich wäre ein solches Angebot natürlich nicht, da Nintendo und Microsoft, wie erwähnt, ebenfalls auf Download Content setzen. Und auch Sony selbst hat mit der PSP schon ein Produkt geschaffen, welches das herunterladen von Spielinhalten ermöglicht. Eine Festplatte, oder anderer, großer Massenspeicher, wäre natürlich Voraussetzung für die Nutzung.
Auf dem Sony-Meeting in zwei Tagen erfahren wir dazu vielleicht mehr.
Laut gamesindustry.biz, plant Sony einen großen Downloadservice, um Spiele digital zu verkaufen. Dabei berufen sie sich auf Entwicklerquellen. Dieser Service könne in der PS3 Verwendung finden, oder aber auch in einer Neuauflage der PS2. Einige große Entwicklerstudios haben bestätigt, dass Sony mit ihnen Gespräche über die digitale Distribution von Spielen auf Konsolen, geführt habe. Diese Gespräche sollen allerdings ausschließlich die Technologie für einen solchen Service als Thema gehabt haben. Ein Entwickler eines bekannten 3rd-Party Publishers ließ verlauten, dass Sony mit ihnen über die technischen Möglichkeiten der digitalen Distribution von PSone und PS2 Spielen gesprochen habe. Im Gegensatz zu Nintendo's Downloadservice, wäre dies allerdings bei Sony schwerer zu realisieren, was auf die Größe der Spiele zurückzuführen ist: PSone Titel hatten einige hundert Megabyte, PS2 Titel sogar mehrere Gigabyte. Andererseits haben auch heute schon einige Xbox 360 Demos, die man sich über den Xbox Live Service downloaden kann, über 600MB. Laut einigen Quellen soll Sony jedoch die Möglichkeit untersuchen, dass man z.B. einen PS2 Titel herunterläd und schon anfängt zu spielen, während im Hintergrund das restliche Spiel heruntergeladen wird.
Verwunderlich wäre ein solches Angebot natürlich nicht, da Nintendo und Microsoft, wie erwähnt, ebenfalls auf Download Content setzen. Und auch Sony selbst hat mit der PSP schon ein Produkt geschaffen, welches das herunterladen von Spielinhalten ermöglicht. Eine Festplatte, oder anderer, großer Massenspeicher, wäre natürlich Voraussetzung für die Nutzung.
Auf dem Sony-Meeting in zwei Tagen erfahren wir dazu vielleicht mehr.
PlayStation 3 Event - It's coming
It looks like it's finally happening... After nearly a year of silence, rumors and speculation, Sony will finally be unveiling more PlayStation 3 details.
It has been confirmed with several sources now, including members of the press, developers and publishers, that on March 15th in Japan, a PlayStation 3 event will be held. The event is expected to begin a torrent of information that will lead up right to the E3 in May. We know of a few titles and things which are expected to be announced for sure, but the extent of the overall unveiling is still undetermined. It is supposedly not open to the general press, but various announcements will be made. The E3 is where all the real action will take place.
Within the next month or two there will also be the PlayStation 3 Devstation event and Game Developers Conference. Not much of anything will likely be publicly announced during Devstation, but the GDC is a different story. More and more companies have been making announcements during the event, and Sony's Phil Harrison will be hosting a keynote centered around the PS3.
Stay tuned!
It looks like it's finally happening... After nearly a year of silence, rumors and speculation, Sony will finally be unveiling more PlayStation 3 details.
It has been confirmed with several sources now, including members of the press, developers and publishers, that on March 15th in Japan, a PlayStation 3 event will be held. The event is expected to begin a torrent of information that will lead up right to the E3 in May. We know of a few titles and things which are expected to be announced for sure, but the extent of the overall unveiling is still undetermined. It is supposedly not open to the general press, but various announcements will be made. The E3 is where all the real action will take place.
Within the next month or two there will also be the PlayStation 3 Devstation event and Game Developers Conference. Not much of anything will likely be publicly announced during Devstation, but the GDC is a different story. More and more companies have been making announcements during the event, and Sony's Phil Harrison will be hosting a keynote centered around the PS3.
Stay tuned!
!Original geschrieben von Bomba Luigi
'euphoria'-Technologie für PS3 und Xbox 360
NaturalMotion Ltd. hat heute angekündigt, dass ihre Animations-Technologie mit dem Namen 'euphoria', bei der Entwicklung von AAA-Titeln für die PS3 und Xbox 360 zum Einsatz kommen wird. Die Technologie verspricht, in sachen Charakter-Animationen einen Schritt vorwärts zu gehen. Entwickler müssen dank 'euphoria' z.B. Reaktionen der Charaktere nicht mehr vorprogrammieren, sondern die Engine berechnet die nötigen Informationen wie Physik und Grad der Krafteinwirkung, um festzustellen, wie die Ingame-Models reagieren sollten.
"'euphoria' ermöglicht einen völlig neuen Level, was Interaktivität und Realismus im Gameplay angeht.", so Torsten Reil, CEO von NaturalMotion Ltd.
"Jedesmal, wenn 'euphoria' das Geschehen auf dem Bildschirm berechnet, weiß man, das dies vorher kein anderer Spieler so gesehen hat. Es macht jedes Spiel zum einzigartigen Erlebnis. Jeder Football-Tackle ist dein Tackle. Es sind keine eingespeisten Animationsdaten, sondern man ist es selbst. Diese einzigartigen Momente sind, worum es in den Next Generation Spielen geht.", so Reil weiter.
'euphoria' basiert auf der NaturalMotion's Dynamic Motion Synthesis (DMS) Technologie, welche der KI erlaubt so zu reagieren, als hätte sie ein zentrales Nervensystem. Neben den realistischeren Animationen, kann durch die neue Technologie, dank der selbstständigen Berechnungen, auch Entwicklungszeit gespart werden. Welche Titel diese Technologie nutzen, ist noch nicht bekannt.
PS3 Verspätet
Die PS3 wird erst im November in Japan erscheinen
Not my problem!
Die PS3 wird erst im November in Japan erscheinen
Not my problem!
- Perfect
- Beiträge: 9981
- Registriert: Mai 2000
- Wohnort: weisst du doch nicht
PSP - wird billiger, neue Goodies
At the same time across the Pacific, Sony Computer Entertainment America announced that it is dropping the US price of the PSP. Starting March 22, gamers will be able to pick up the portable for just $199, versus the $249 Value Pack currently available. However, while the Value Pack contains a 32MB Memory Stick Duo, soft case, remote control, and headphones, the only peripherals mentioned as being in the $199 PSP package are a "AC adaptor and battery," which are also included in the Value Pack.
GPS, mini-EyeToy video VOIP, digitally distributed PSone, Flash games announced in Japan
Kutaragi quickly turned the subject to the PSP. He said that, beginning in October the portable would support video voice over IP. This would be done with the use of a digital camera add-on which would support motion jpegs. Kutaragi referred to the camera as an "EyeToy," and said it would attach externally to the handheld.
Kutaragi also announced that Sony is developing an emulator that will allow PSPs to play original PlayStation games. He said the PSone games would be digitally distributed to PSPs, adding ammo to rumors that Sony is planning to distribute classic games much like Microsoft already does with the Xbox 360 and Nintendo will with the Revolution.
Since the PSP's built-in memory is limited, the digital-distribution announcement also seems to lend credence that a second PSP with built-in flash memory is in the works, though Kutaragi did not confirm so explicitly.
Kutaragi concretely confirmed another rumor--that the PSP would play games made with Macromedia Flash. He also said the handheld would support RSS feeds at an unspecified later date, and that it would eventually get GPS locator functionality.
PS3 mit HDD
As part of the PlayStation Business Brief today in Tokyo, Ken Kutaragi confirmed that the PlayStation 3 will require the hard drive peripheral and the unit will ship with the system right out of the box.
In total, it will be 60GB big, be completely upgradeable, [red]and support Linux OS[/red].(!!!!!) Additionally, the peripheral will act as a home server and allow users to store various forms of media to be pulled up elsewhere.
At the same time across the Pacific, Sony Computer Entertainment America announced that it is dropping the US price of the PSP. Starting March 22, gamers will be able to pick up the portable for just $199, versus the $249 Value Pack currently available. However, while the Value Pack contains a 32MB Memory Stick Duo, soft case, remote control, and headphones, the only peripherals mentioned as being in the $199 PSP package are a "AC adaptor and battery," which are also included in the Value Pack.
GPS, mini-EyeToy video VOIP, digitally distributed PSone, Flash games announced in Japan
Kutaragi quickly turned the subject to the PSP. He said that, beginning in October the portable would support video voice over IP. This would be done with the use of a digital camera add-on which would support motion jpegs. Kutaragi referred to the camera as an "EyeToy," and said it would attach externally to the handheld.
Kutaragi also announced that Sony is developing an emulator that will allow PSPs to play original PlayStation games. He said the PSone games would be digitally distributed to PSPs, adding ammo to rumors that Sony is planning to distribute classic games much like Microsoft already does with the Xbox 360 and Nintendo will with the Revolution.
Since the PSP's built-in memory is limited, the digital-distribution announcement also seems to lend credence that a second PSP with built-in flash memory is in the works, though Kutaragi did not confirm so explicitly.
Kutaragi concretely confirmed another rumor--that the PSP would play games made with Macromedia Flash. He also said the handheld would support RSS feeds at an unspecified later date, and that it would eventually get GPS locator functionality.
PS3 mit HDD
As part of the PlayStation Business Brief today in Tokyo, Ken Kutaragi confirmed that the PlayStation 3 will require the hard drive peripheral and the unit will ship with the system right out of the box.
In total, it will be 60GB big, be completely upgradeable, [red]and support Linux OS[/red].(!!!!!) Additionally, the peripheral will act as a home server and allow users to store various forms of media to be pulled up elsewhere.
- Dust Puppy
- Beiträge: 4783
- Registriert: Jan 2005
Linux!!! Das klingt ja mal sehr geil. Hoffentlich wird die nicht zu teuer :>Original geschrieben von ageha
In total, it will be 60GB big, be completely upgradeable, [red]and support Linux OS[/red].(!!!!!) Additionally, the peripheral will act as a home server and allow users to store various forms of media to be pulled up elsewhere.
- Humilation
- Beiträge: 10388
- Registriert: Nov 2005
für mich klingt das, als würde sie immer teurer werden...wenn man sich ma so umschaut was sogenannte 'mediacenter' zur zeit kosten, da legste schnell 1000 steine aufn tisch...
...und das ohne bluray oder cell...und spielen kann man damit auch nich....
€: übigens
required != bundled
€ nochwas tolles
- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)
...und das ohne bluray oder cell...und spielen kann man damit auch nich....
€: übigens
Hard Disk: IGN sorta retracted their statement that it will be bundled with the hardware: Earlier, we mistakenly reported that Sony would including the hard disk with the PS3 right out of the box.
Some people at Sony are telling me it will be bundled, others are being more honest and telling me it wont or they dont know.
required != bundled
€ nochwas tolles
- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)
[url=irc://irc.quakenet.org/konsolen]#konsolen[/url] - IIINDESSSTRUCTIIIIBLE!
- Perfect
- Beiträge: 9981
- Registriert: Mai 2000
- Wohnort: weisst du doch nicht
ein Linux basierendes MediaCenter kostet dich keinen Cent.Original geschrieben von Bomba Luigi
für mich klingt das, als würde sie immer teurer werden...wenn man sich ma so umschaut was sogenannte 'mediacenter' zur zeit kosten, da legste schnell 1000 steine aufn tisch...
Das praktiziert Siemens in ihren aktuellen Top Laptops auch das man per key beim booten ein reines MediaCenter booten kann was in umfang und leistung einem Window Media Center etc. in nichts nachsteht.
PS3/PSP News
- 60GB HDD 2.5" with pre-installed Linux OS will be included?
- Dev kit specs fix as of today
- Final PS3 development kits will be sent to developers in June
- 10.000.000 BD-ROMS manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD
- Every PS3 game will be on a Blu Ray Disc, in an attempt to prevent piracy
- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)
- PS3 will have HDMI support from launch
- Sony plans to produce 1 million PS3s a month; 6 million PS3s for FY2006 (by the end of March 07)
- basic" online service free, no details yet (could be XBLS for PS3)
- Full backwards compatibility, hi-res and texture filtering for all titles (akin to what the Xbox 360 does to Halo)
- The online service will be working off of GameSpy technology
- videophone in autumn
- MinGol GPS
- Eyetoy
- Flash support with next update
- Mem.Stick boot support in autumn
- first-gen PS1 official emulator
- buy/download games from net
- 199 CORE PACK PSP being released in USA/Europe by end of March (March 22nd for Europe)
- 19,800 yen Ceramic White PSP CORE PACK from 15 April in Japan
€: neue bilder:
Miyamoto bestätigt Zelda Twilight Princess Nrev controller Support!
“I would say that we are progressing well with completing it,” says Miyamoto. “And one of the most important features is that, because Revolution can run GameCube software, when you play Twilight Princess on Revolution you can take advantage of the Revolution controller.”
Source: http://www.nintendo-europe.com/NOE/en/GB/home/index.do
- 60GB HDD 2.5" with pre-installed Linux OS will be included?
- Dev kit specs fix as of today
- Final PS3 development kits will be sent to developers in June
- 10.000.000 BD-ROMS manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD
- Every PS3 game will be on a Blu Ray Disc, in an attempt to prevent piracy
- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)
- PS3 will have HDMI support from launch
- Sony plans to produce 1 million PS3s a month; 6 million PS3s for FY2006 (by the end of March 07)
- basic" online service free, no details yet (could be XBLS for PS3)
- Full backwards compatibility, hi-res and texture filtering for all titles (akin to what the Xbox 360 does to Halo)
- The online service will be working off of GameSpy technology
- videophone in autumn
- MinGol GPS
- Eyetoy
- Flash support with next update
- Mem.Stick boot support in autumn
- first-gen PS1 official emulator
- buy/download games from net
- 199 CORE PACK PSP being released in USA/Europe by end of March (March 22nd for Europe)
- 19,800 yen Ceramic White PSP CORE PACK from 15 April in Japan
€: neue bilder:
Miyamoto bestätigt Zelda Twilight Princess Nrev controller Support!
“I would say that we are progressing well with completing it,” says Miyamoto. “And one of the most important features is that, because Revolution can run GameCube software, when you play Twilight Princess on Revolution you can take advantage of the Revolution controller.”
Source: http://www.nintendo-europe.com/NOE/en/GB/home/index.do
To his fans he’s a knight in shining armour; a creator of fantastic worlds where plumbers rescue princesses and young boys become sword-wielding heroes. But now Shigeru Miyamoto has become a real life knight himself, of the ‘Order of Arts and Letters’.
The title (which doesn’t make him ‘Sir Shigeru’, sadly) was bestowed upon Mr Miyamoto in Paris this week by the French Ministry of Culture. Miyamoto, along with Michel ‘Rayman’ Ancel and Frederick ‘Alone in the Dark’ Raynal, became the first videogame designers in the world to receive such an award.
The accolade is further recognition for Miyamoto’s lifetime of work that has brought pleasure to millions (and led Time Magazine to call him “The Spielberg of Video Games” . Also, for a game designer to be honoured for his contribution to the arts is great news for the whole games industry.
We joined Miyamoto in Paris after the ceremony where we got a glimpse of his shiny new medal (check out the pics in the Images gallery), drooled over his Nintendo DS Lite, and played with his new Nintendog: a Dalmatian called Luigi.
Helped by his interpreter we first ask Miyamoto how it feels to be given such a prestigious award, and in his trademark style he remains as humble and down-to-earth as ever.
“My feeling is that I have received this on behalf of many other people who have been working together with me to create videogames,” he says. “And in a much broader sense I think it’s very important for the industry that we can receive this kind of award.”
So does Miyamoto think videogames are now becoming culturally acceptable, like movies and literature?
“Videogaming has only about 20-25 years of history; in comparison movies have over 100 years, and literature has a lot longer,” says Miyamoto. “We have just come to the stage where everybody recognises videogaming, so I think we have just passed the first phase. I think videogaming is going to go forward in an exciting way. We are expecting a number of different new technologies that affect our industry, and the ability of people to deal with new technologies is going to be a vital part of how the videogame industry is going to evolve."
Listening to Miyamoto speak in his easy-going way, we forget for a second that we’re sitting in a posh Paris hotel, surrounded by journalists from across Europe who are clamouring to interview the legend himself. There’s no doubt Miyamoto is a massive star – but does he feel like one?
“Well, you know I used to commute to work by bicycle until recently,” he says, laughing. “But because I am now one of the executive board members, the company ordered me not to, for the sake of ‘risk management’!”
So what is a typical ‘day in the life’ of Shigeru Miyamoto?
“As for the morning, I’m afraid to tell you that I am not a very punctual person,” he laughs. “But every day I have to work until very late at night. People report to me via email the progress of software in development and I am always looking into what’s happening with each game and sometimes, if it’s necessary, I add my own opinions and advice. That takes up about half of my working time and as for the remainder of the time I visit each developer to see what kind of progress they are making. I often become a tester myself so that I can touch and get a feel for the project they are working on.”
So what about his latest project, New Super Mario Bros. (coming to Europe this summer)? Why did he decide to bring back Mario in the classic side-scrolling style?
“We are always challenging ourselves to make something really new and this new Super Mario Bros. game is going to be very important. Nintendo DS has been hugely successful, especially in Japan, and we owe a big part of the success to a software line-up called ‘Touch Generations’. People who have never played videogames before are purchasing Nintendo DS as their very first game machine.
“When we launch New Super Mario Bros. for DS this could be the very first videogame these people play. Of course we already have Super Mario 64 DS but it is a more advanced version of Mario. With New Super Mario Bros. we are going back to the basics. It’s going to be simple enough to control but yet have sophisticated enough content. We have been working hard to make the best Super Mario game we can.”
We’re intrigued. Can he reveal what the game’s story will be, for instance?
“That’s rather interesting because a number of our staff members came up with a number of different stories,” says Miyamoto, smiling. “I told them that we really don’t need any story behind this new Super Mario Bros. at all. I have narrowed down the whole story to about half of what my team originally came up with. Peach is kidnapped, Mario has to go and rescue her from Bowser and the Koopa Kids. That’s about all you need to know for the story!” he laughs. “But what you really need to know is that in the quest you are going to encounter some unprecedented play ideas.”
'Can you give us some examples of these ideas?' we ask.
“Well, we have drawn everything from 3D graphics,” explains Miyamoto “so that from time to time you are going to encounter something really astonishing visually but as far as the gameplay and control is concerned, that is going to be very simple.
“When it comes to Mario, sometimes you may be able to do an ultra super jump and you are going to see a very unique and unprecedented jumping style. In terms of Super Mario, everybody already expects him to become bigger but this time, with the help of a Super Giant Mushroom, Super Mario can become gigantic, taking up almost all the screen, and he can destroy everything.”
‘And Mario can also become very small, by using another type of mushroom, right?’ we add.
“Right,” says Miyamoto “and that’s not all. For example, two players can play as Mario and Luigi at the same time, in the multiplayer mode. Sometimes you have to compete with each other to reach the goal, and sometimes they can fight against each other. You remember the game Mario Bros.? In that, Mario and Luigi could sometimes cooperate, sometimes compete. I think it’s more fun to have two players play simultaneously in this New Super Mario Bros.
“And you remember in Super Mario 64 DS we incorporated a number of minigames? Each of these minigames is going to be available in New Super Mario Bros. In each minigame both Mario and Luigi can compete against each other. Some you can play in two-player or four-player mode with one cartridge.”
Sounds great! But hang on, didn’t Miyamoto mention Koopa Kids a second ago? We haven’t heard from them in a while. We inquire if the new game has the same kind of ‘Level, World, Fortress, Boss’ structure as in Super Mario Bros. 3.
“Unfortunately I am not in a position to tell you anything further, sorry, but basically yes you are right!” says Miyamoto, chuckling.
OK, consider our appetites whetted! So New Mario Bros. is a classic style game, therefore, we want to know, are there going to be classic style cheats, like warp pipes and the old ‘walking along the top of the screen’ trick?
“Well, there will be many people who play New Super Mario Bros. that have never played a Mario Bros. game before," he tells us. "But at the same time we want to evoke a kind of nostalgic feeling in those people who used to play with the past series, so we are now trying to incorporate as many old tricks and tweaks as possible into this new DS version.”
OK, time to switch to Miyamoto’s other famous creation: Zelda. What’s the latest on Twilight Princess?
“I would say that we are progressing well with completing it,” says Miyamoto. “And one of the most important features is that, because Revolution can run GameCube software, when you play Twilight Princess on Revolution you can take advantage of the Revolution controller.”
We press further but Miyamoto is remaining tight-lipped on specifics. So, speaking of Revolution, what kind of cool software has he seen so far?
“You know, the DS is a very good example when we talk about Revolution software. Nobody would have expected brain training software or puppy communicating software when we were originally talking about the concept of the Nintendo DS. People would never have imagined that line-up of software could ever be as successful in the marketplace as it is now.
“In the case of Revolution, there is going to be a lot of software that are so-called 'sequels' to the existing type of games, however what is going to be the most attractive point about Revolution is the other applications. These kind of applications are going to make Revolution something really important for any ordinary household; more specifically catering for each type of family member in the house.”
So when can we expect to find out more about Revolution? For instance will everything be revealed at E3?
“Almost everything,” he laughs. “I don’t know about the pricing at the moment or anything like that but, yes, basically at E3.”
And with that tantalising answer hanging in the air, we’re told our time is up. Mr Miyamoto is about to be whisked off to catch the Eurostar to London, for more interviews and also to record a special webcast in which he answers questions sent in by you.
So if you fancy pumping him for more details about those Koopa Kids, or want to know what his Brain Training 'brain age' is (clue: it's in the 20s) you can submit your question at http://www.webchats.tv. If it’s a good one, Miyamoto will answer it personally on the webcast this Friday.
Final Fantasy VII Remake immer wahrscheinlicher
Auf der heutigen Auslieferung von Final Fantasy XII für die PlayStation im Square Enix Store Shibuya Tsutaya in Tokio war auch Square Enix Präsident Yoichi Wada auf der Bühne.
Jemand aus dem Publikum bat Wada ein Remake von Final Fantasy VII für die PlayStation 3 zu machen. "Bitte machen Sie Final Fantasy VII für die PlayStation 3", so der Fan wörtlich.
Yoichi Wada antworte darauf mit einem Lächeln und sagte: "Ein Remake sei extrem schwer, aber man wird es bei Square Enix untersuchen".
Auf der E3 2005 zeigte Square Enix im Rahmen der PlayStation 3-Präsentation eine Tech-Demo zu Final Fantasy VII, in dem die komplette Introsequenz in Echtzeit, zeitgemäß angepasst wurde. Square Enix aber bestätigte nicht, dass es sich bei der Tech-Demo um ein vollwertiges Spiel handelt. Nun aber scheint man auf das Bitten der Fans einzugehen.
Auf der heutigen Auslieferung von Final Fantasy XII für die PlayStation im Square Enix Store Shibuya Tsutaya in Tokio war auch Square Enix Präsident Yoichi Wada auf der Bühne.
Jemand aus dem Publikum bat Wada ein Remake von Final Fantasy VII für die PlayStation 3 zu machen. "Bitte machen Sie Final Fantasy VII für die PlayStation 3", so der Fan wörtlich.
Yoichi Wada antworte darauf mit einem Lächeln und sagte: "Ein Remake sei extrem schwer, aber man wird es bei Square Enix untersuchen".
Auf der E3 2005 zeigte Square Enix im Rahmen der PlayStation 3-Präsentation eine Tech-Demo zu Final Fantasy VII, in dem die komplette Introsequenz in Echtzeit, zeitgemäß angepasst wurde. Square Enix aber bestätigte nicht, dass es sich bei der Tech-Demo um ein vollwertiges Spiel handelt. Nun aber scheint man auf das Bitten der Fans einzugehen.
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